Earn to Learn, Youth Paid Internships

Our goal is to provide agricultural and home-science information to youth grades 9-12, using paid internships. By using the Earn to Learn model, our goal is not only to develop youth horticultural skills in specialty crops, but advance and secure farmers for the future, while directly impacting youth unemployment and underemployment.

Interns learn to grow specialty crops, and prepare healthy dishes. Youth deepen their knowledge by delivering hands-on workshops and nutrition education, to the broader community, as well as developing their own curriculum to be used by future interns.

Who is it for?

Our paid internships are designed for students grades 9-12, who would like the opportunity to gain real world work, and entrepreneurial experiences through farming specialty crops. We focus on value chain not "just farming." From website, social media, and business development, to getting our hands dirty, to developing new technologies, this is the perfect invitation for students to expand as individuals while gaining the necessary skills to move into their futures.

To preserve and protect something, we must first fall in love with it....

our Specialty Crops


English Lavender

Its name derives from the Latin root “lavare,” which literally means “to wash.”The earliest recorded use of lavender dates back to ancient Egypt. 

During later times, lavender became a bath additive in several regions, including Persia, ancient Greece, and Rome. These cultures believed that lavender helped purify the body and mind.

Since ancient times, lavender has been used to treat many different ailments, including: mental health issues, anxiety, insomnia, depression, headaches, hair loss, nausea, acne, toothaches, skin irritations, and cancer.


Oyster Mushrooms

Mushrooms, in general, are excellent for overall health and weight loss because they’re low in calories and fat with absolutely no cholesterol.

Oyster mushrooms also have decent nutritional value thanks to their wide range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants including: Niacin, Vitamin D, Iron, Riboflavin, Potassium, Vitamin B6, B Vitamins, Folic acid (folate), Magnesium, Vitamin C, Pantothenic acid, Amino acids. Benefits of Oyster Mushrooms include: Lowering high blood pressure, regulating cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, protecting from heart disease, and defending against neurodegernative diseases.  


Our Hives

Deemed as a top health food across the globe,  Honey is among the most popular and widely used sweetener with enormous health benefits. It is used by several cultures around the world serving as a base for many traditional medicines, especially in Ayurveda. The health benefits and advantages of honey have been valued since ages, and include: weight managemen, strengthens Immune system, nourishes your skin and face, boosts your memory, home remedy for cough, natural home remedy for dandruff, used for healing wounds, acts as a natural sleeping aid, eases sinus issues, helps with gum disease, natural energy drink, prevents and helps control eczema.


Practice makes perfect

What we have learned about  farming, is how truly short time is.  If we begin farming at age 20 and retire at age 80, (if we are lucky,) that means we only have 60 springs, or attempts, to get things right.  Most farmers recognize this and each season is spent perfecting our craft, crops and ourselves, all the while never knowing the particulars of what each season brings.  

We live to better our best each season, as we have a full understanding how short our time is here. 

The best learning facilities

Located in the heart of northwestern Montana, we feel like our location is more than suited for learning, it’s iconic. As cities expand, and individuals reminisce about running their hands over the tops of tall grass, we have found that just visiting the farm is sometimes enough for individuals to have a prolific experience that changes them entirely. 

To be in a space to be truly touched, and changed we must connect to ourselves as a part of something larger.  

We look forward to having you out!  

Learn from the very best

Our team has farmed and ranched most all their lives, and learned their craft from those that came before them.  Their desire is to pass on the importance of farming to the next generation.  

Working hours

May 15th - October 15th
Tuesday - Saturday 8am - 6pm

We are here

39 Eagle Valley Lane, Plains Montana, 59859
Phone: 801.472.9865